Are you looking for some products which seems to be hard to supply? Our network all over the world will be ready to provide procurement service ...
Whether you require petrochemical products from Iran regularly or even you know some customer needs such products, Hadaf could supply all ...
If you are a Manufacturer, Stokist or Supplier for Oil &Gas related products, or even you are looking for a long term and reliable petrochemical ...
The framework of Hadaf includes experienced people educated in Technical, Commercial, Management, Legal, IT, Economic as well as consultants ...
Ahvaz Industrial Complex The Petro Target Company in 1394 was established in Ahwaz industrial town No. 2 in pursuit of sustainable economy and self-sufficiency and with the use of domestic capacities ...
One of the leading companies in the field of warehousing and supplying goods and equipment for oil, gas and petrochemical industries as well as marine industries in the Middle East and Africa. Over th ...
In 2014, in order to increase the market share of the target in Iran, the product development strategy was established. The company started its activities by supplying Tübler items such as OCTG and Li ...
Hadaf shall ensure that a comprehensive program of reporting and audits is developed to measure Hadaf’sperformance against set goals and objectives, and that these are formally reviewed by Hadaf management toensure the effectiveness of the quality management system
Hadaf shall ensure that all contractors apply quality standards which are fully compatible with those of Technip Hadaf shall provide adequate resources and training to ensure work is carried out safely and professionally Hadaf shall ensure that all Quality incidents are fully notified, investigated and that corrective action is carriedout and communicated across the business
Hadaf’s goal is to be a leader in the energy industry by providing excellentquality during project execution.Hadaf is committed to provide its clients the best value project management,products and services while protecting its employees and the environment inwhich they live
It is the responsibility of HADAF management to demonstrate the necessary commitment and leadershipto create a culture of high quality standards and continuous improvement: Each manager, supervisor and employee is responsible for complying with requirements and meeting Hadaf’squality standards and is accountable for his or her individual performance and the performance of those workingunder his or her supervision